How To Plan Your Goals

Can I tell you a secret? If done incorrectly, goal planning can actually be a hindrance to your goals and your time rather than a benefit.
Sure, writing your goals down increases your chances by 80%, but wouldn’t you rather have your chances of success increase by a full 100%?

If you’re like me and believe in the 80/20 rule, you’ll agree that ineffectively focusing on the other 20% of goal setting can be detrimental to achieving what you want.

Sadly, most planners only promote writing down large extrinsic goals and chasing after huge dreams. Research has found that setting goals like this can be harmful.

Your values should lead your goals

This is what makes the Top Down Planner so great. We don’t want you mapping out just any big dream; we want you mapping YOUR dream!

You see, when we plan goals, we instantly think of ways we can impress others. It’s our psychological nature to try and “keep up with the Joneses.” Sadly, goal setting like this does not increase our happiness.

This is why addressing your values is so important. By aligning your goals with your values, you can clearly make time for the things that will truly make you happy.

Isn’t that what goals should be all about anyway?

So as you look at your New Year’s Resolutions and/or goals of what you want in life, look at your values first. Your values have a way of bringing you closer to your goals and increasing your happiness.

Now before you start re-planning your goals or pursuing your dream, define your values. Doing so will lead you to what your heart truly desires and bring you closer to your happiness.

Here’s to your values that will lead you to happiness,

Rebecca Rescate
Rebecca Rescate


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