Celebrating 10 Years with Updating CitiKitty Customers

As I get ready to celebrate CitiKitty's 10-year anniversary in
two days I am most excited about two things:

  1. The likelihood of CitiKitty (or any business) to make it to the 10-year mark is just 33%. Running a business is not easy and most fail before they get past the learning curve.

  2. CitiKitty has led me to amazing things. Not only have I created a product that has toilet trained thousands of cats, but I have started three additional businesses, most recently Top·Down Planner


Top·Down Planner has only been in the works for 10 months and officially began shipping last week but I really feel like this product is the love of my life. Has it been too soon? Should I call it lust?

Why am I so head over heals? Because Top·Down Planner enabled me to connect my strengths as a problem solver with my passion for organization to help others...and that my friends we call our "sweet spot".  

And just today I got an email from a customer who said:
"I have only had my planner for a few days but you have a customer for life."

I will admit it. I cried. I poured my soul into creating Top·Down Planner to make it the ultimate productivity and goal-setting planning tool but all the while I did not know how others would react.Well, now I know.

I want to share the story of this product with as many as possible so please if you are curious about how goal planners work please check out >>   www.topdownplanner.com . I am not asking you to buy it, just take a peak.

Thanks for your support 'after the tank' and have a great week!

Rebecca Rescate
Rebecca Rescate


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